Sunday, October 20, 2013


acid substances.
Some substance , such as lemon juice or vinegar , have  a characteristic acidic taste . the pH scale is an indicator used to determine the degree of acidity of a substance . On the pH scale distilled water is neutral with a reading of 5 .
When rain water has a degree of acidity lower than 5 , it is acid ; this means that is contains some dissolved acid substance , generally sulphuric and and nitric acid such acids from gases produced by power stations , industries and motor vehicles.

contaminating acids.
Once they are formed , sulphuric and nitric acid return to the earth's surface through rain , fog and snow , or simply by bonding to solid particles that fall to the ground.
acid rain transmits its acidity to rivers , oceans and lakes , to villages and cities , to fields and forests such acidity impoverishes the nutritional capacity of the soil as it alters the population of microorganisms . Forests and subjected to the effects of acidity as well , be cause the rain and low clouds in acid particles.

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