Monday, October 28, 2013


A natural regulation system there is a basic relationship between the photo synthesis of green plants and the respiration of living beings. This relation ship not only maintains forest life but it also preserves the biosphere.


Soil is made up of broken bits of rock , minerals plants and animals. It covers most soil ground in the world. It takes thousands of years for bigger pieces of rock minerals and rotted plants and animals to from the small particles that make up the soil.


            Fossil one formed from the remains of dead animals or plants. Looking at fossil tells us about animals and plants that lived a long time ago.


A forest is an area where a lot of trees grow close of all the land on the earth . The amount of forest goes down every year.

Food chain

               All animals need to eat to get energy. Some animals eat other animals. Some animals eat energy passes from one creature to another.


                  A comet is giant ball of ice , gases and rock. It looks like a star with a glowing tail. Comets can only be seen as they get close to the sun


The Earth is our planet. IT is one of nine planets that move through space around the sun. The Earths takes one year to travel once around the sun. It is just the right distance from the sun to be worm enough for people , animals and plants to live on but not so not that all water dries up.

Distance aroun the                                                                                                                                                           
The equator ……………………   40,075  Km
Distance from the 
Surface to the centure…………....   6,300  Km

Temperature in the
Earth’s core…………………….    4300 C

Distance of the Earth
From the sun……………………   149.5 million Km